Christian Distinctiveness
Our Christian ethos is very important at St Thomas', our Christian Values are embedded in all that we do.
We have surveyed all stakeholders to select the 6 Christian Values which we feel best reflect our school, our families and our community. Each term we will focus on one Christian Value; this is shared with the children through our Collective Worships and is discussed in Talking Tuesdays.
Children share their ideas about what the value 'looks like' both at home and in school. Reflection areas in every class have the Christian Value and children's thoughts about the value displayed.
Our Christian Values
Friendship - Peace - Love - Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness
St Thomas’ C of E Aided Primary School Vision Statement
‘Together in God’s love, we learn, inspire and grow’
‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’
Matthew 22
We are a caring, nurturing, inclusive Christian community where each person is offered the opportunity to fulfill their potential, in being happy, confident and thoughtful learners who flourish, academically, physically, socially, spiritually and creatively through a meaningful and challenging curriculum supporting all our children in pursuing excellence. They know, are prepared to take their place in and be contributing members of the modern world.
Wisdom Hope Community Dignity
Please click on the document below to read our 2016 SIAMs report.
Collective Worship
Collective Worship is a highly valued part of the school day. Monday worship is led by Mrs Gardiner (Head Teacher), Tuesday led by Mr Breeds, Wednesday led by Mr Saxby, Reverend Meyer leads worship on Thursday with Fridays being a celebration of our week with Gold awards, attendance awards, team points, class raffle/dojo winners, Wonderful Writers and Buddy of the Week award.
We are also fortunate to have a dedicated group of volunteers from St. Thomas' Church, led by Reverend Meyer, who come into school once a term to deliver an 'Open the Book' Collective Worship; for more information about 'Open the Book' click the link; Open the Book
Open the Book
At St Thomas' children say the Lord's Prayer in their classes at the end of every school day; we also have a school prayer which was written by the Class Ambassadors working with the Head teacher;
Dear Lord
Help us to enjoy and appreciate our school, where we can learn new things that open the door to your world.
We thank you for our friends and teachers here, who help us throughout our school days.
Help us to treat other people as we would like to be treated; with respect , fairness and kindness.
We are very fortunate to have a highly effective and inspired PTA. One of their projects was to give the school garden a make-over and it is now our Prayer & Mindfulness Garden. The garden was officially opened by John Rodley - Mayor of Winchelsea on 27th September 2019. Please have a look at the before and after photos.
Christian Distinctiveness