Governing Body Minutes
On this page you will find copies of the minutes from the Full Governing Body meetings and the Quality of Learning Committee.
At these meetings, the Governing Body carries out its core functions, as identified by the Department for Education in the Governance Handbook:
- ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
- overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure money is well spent.
Governing Body Minutes 2024-25
The current Chair of Governors is Mr Jonathan Murphy. Minutes are published once they have been agreed upon by the Governing Body at the following meeting.
St T Business Meeting Minutes 24 09 24.pdf
Governing Body Minutes 2023-24
The current Chair of Governors is Mr Jonathan Murphy. Minutes are published once they have been agreed upon by the Governing Body at the following meeting.
St T Business Meeting Minutes 12 09 23.pdf
Governing Body Minutes 2022-23
The current Chair of Governors is Mr Jonathan Murphy. Minutes are published once they have been agreed upon by the Governing Body at the following meeting.
St T Business Meeting Minutes 13 09 22.pdf
St T QoL Committee Minutes 16.11.22.pdf
St T QoL Committee Minutes 7.2.23.pdf
St T QoL Committee Minutes 17.5.23.pdf
Governing Body Minutes 2021-22
The current Chair of Governors is Mr Jonathan Murphy. Minutes are published once they have been agreed upon by the Governing Body at the following meeting.
St T QoL Committee Minutes 24.5.22.pdf
St T QoL Committee Minutes 16.11.22.pdf
Governing Body Minutes 2020-21
The current Chair of Governors is Professor Graham Welch. Minutes are published once they have been agreed by the Governing Body at the following meeting.
Minutes FGB St T 29.09.pdMinutes FGB St T 10.11.20 Final2 signed.pdfSt T FGB Minutes 26.01.21 Final2signed.pdfUPDATED St T FGB Minutes 02.03.pdfSt T FGB Minutes 25.05.pdfSt T FGB Minutes 06.07.pdf