Geography at St Thomas'
Geography is the science of the Earth’s surface, its atmosphere and its features. Geography informs us about our planet and the world we live in. In Geography we learn about different places, the continents and countries as well as the oceans, rivers, deserts or mountains on our planet.
We use Oddizzi, an online, subscription-based geography resource for primary schools. They are dedicated to providing high-quality primary geography resources. They want to inspire children with a deep and lifelong love of the subject.
St Thomas' High Weald Welly Walk - All classes have taken part in welly walks in our local area. Our Year 5 & 6 class have worked with Rachel from High Weald Heroes to produce a leaflet detailing how to complete our walk. To download a copy click the link. St Thomas' High Weald Welly Walk
St Thomas' Geography Intent
Please click on the document to read our Geography Curriculum Intent.
Progression in Geography
Please click on the document to see how children progress in Geography.
Useful websites and knowledge organisers
Here you can find links to useful websites as well as knowledge organisers which you can download. There are also some fun word searches for you to print off and try!
Other Geography Resources
Rainforests.pdfRivers.pdfUnited Kingdom - KS1.pdfUnited Kingdom - KS2.pdfContinents and Oceans.pdf
Weather and Seasons.pdfClimate Zones.pdfSouth America Amazon Basin.pdf